Tuesday, June 17, 2014

I am unsure of who will read this, how many will agree with me or despise my article but I am here to say that what is written above does not concern me.
I am posting this blog as an opinion. I will cover many things throughout my posts. Most are a reflection of my views, my opinions, my life experience and my thoughts.
Let me start out today by discussing the OPTION of quitting.

In my childhood I was raised to believe if you start something you had better damn well finish it. Somethings you cannot finish and I recognize that, whether it be an external uncontrollable force that interrupts your task or otherwise. It would be foolish to not recognize those external factors however in MOST cases you can finish what you start. It may not get done in the timeline you had thought, you may get tired of the fast you are doing, you may become "unmotivated" with your task however it is VITAL you finish. Why? We have built a society of quitters. Its ok to quit because it is to hard, it is ok to quit because you have interests that lie elsewhere, it is ok to quit...period! My friends that is dead wrong on so many levels.

Quitting breads a permanent excuse that can be used time and time again. Its a mental switch that can flipped on and off at a whim. You start looking at any problem, task etc as (even on the subconscious level) I can go into this but I may not have to finish it. Let me give you a personal example. I started out after the Marine Corps going to work for an Electrical company. I was tossed from job to job because I still had more issues than I realized. I eventually was unable to keep up with the work because of my knees and back. I took that (me leaving the Co.) subconsciously as an excuse for me to quit on future events. Granted I must note I felt less than because of my injuries that I was unable to work a solid 9-5 swinging a hammer to provide for my family. I decided to use my military GI Bill benefits to head back to school and get a degree (2010). I was rewarded by my hard work and dedication to school by posting phenomenal grades on all of my classes, even the one I did not care for. From there we moved to NM and I attend the University of New Mexico. At first I was filled with joy. I was a veteran walking through the doors of a large University. I was proud. Sooner than later my empirical views started to alter my perception of success and I started to fall back on quitting again.

I started out on a physics major (My true passion) I worked for a couple years on that but I kept hitting brick walls, one after another! What did I do??? I switched majors as most would do. THIS HOWEVER effected me more than I let myself believe. I quit essentially on the one thing I wanted more than to be an active Marine again, my Physics degree.

 I am currently (2014) working on getting into business school. The classes have been long and tedious, most have not been enjoyable but they have been a check in the box. Now that I have enveloped my course work in this I refuse to give up. I am taking an accounting class and it is looking like I will not pass. I have a choice here! Let it run me over and quit, or stick it out try my damnedest to finish strong and take the outcome as it is. I am choosing the second one for obvious reasons. QUITTING is a NO OPTION from now on in my book.

During my time in the Marines quitting was never an option, so as soon as I got out and it became an option I started to lean on that as a subconscious crutch if you will. It took until recently (4 years later) that my pattern started from my exit in 2010. Where am I going with this? Let me tell you.

Quitting is a subconscious crutch that will rise to the conscious level and become common place IF you allow it.

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